Since it is still a trillion degrees down here in Texas, I’m still boycotting the use of my oven as much as possible. For this week’s no-oven meal plan, I’m using using my Crockpot, pressure cooker (some of y’all have an Instant Pot), and my hubby will do some grilling. You’ll notice Friday is missing: we’re taking our neighbor out to eat for her birthday that night.
Monday: Okra and Tomatoes
I love me some okra and tomatoes. It’s such a comfort food! My dad used to make it growing up, and we couldn’t get enough of it. Also, it is extremely easy to make…whether you’re using fresh veggies or not. I’ll use fresh okra if I can find it on sale, but I normally just buy the frozen cut okra. Most frozen fruits and vegetables are frozen right after they are picked and washed, so they’re as close to the real thing as you can get. You can also use fresh or canned tomatoes. You can literally make this with just 2 ingredients: okra and tomatoes. But you can add some extra goodies in there for extra flavor too. I don’t usually follow a recipe since there are so few ingredients, but you can click the link above for a tasty version.
Tuesday: Grilled Pizza
Chase is kind of in charge of this one since I’ve never grilled a pizza before. I’ll just be providing my favorite pizza dough, mozzarella cheese, and (Chase requested) Italian sausage. I’ll try to remember to post a picture to my Instagram of what we come up with.
Wednesday: Asian-BBQ Chicken on Brown Rice (Crockpot)
Does this sound weird to you? Ok good, me too. I’ve never made it before, but it sounds just weird enough to be good! Plus it cooks in the Crockpot, so that’s a win for me.
Thursday: Quinoa Fried Rice (Pressure Cooker)
I guess this should be called “fried quinoa” since the quinoa replaces the rice…but that just sounds yucky. I’ve made a similar version of this on the stovetop, and it is so yummy! I also plan on having some chicken already made that I’ll throw in there after it’s finished cooking for some protein. I may even use some chicken from Wednesday if the flavor works!
Saturday: Chicken Tacos (Pressure Cooker)
We have some form of tacos or burrito bowls probably once a week, and I’m excited to make the chicken in the pressure cooker this time. Once it’s cooked, we’ll just throw it on some tortillas and sprinkle it with toppings!
Sunday: Emergency Chicken Noodle Soup
So nobody is sick in our house (knock on wood)…I just love soup! Even in the heat of the summer. My main motivation behind making it this week is that I don’t have to buy anything from the store to do it. I have some frozen chicken broth after making a batch of in my Crockpot last week (to see how super easy it is, click here) and I wanted to use up the celery and carrots (also from making the chicken broth) before they go bad. Plus, I have some egg noodles left over from the last time I made this.
I completely forgot to take pictures of my reciepts before I threw them away, but I was able to do almost all of my grocery shopping at Aldi this week! Woo hoo! I spent about $65 for everything, and that includes breakfast (eggs, oatmeal and cereal), lunch (leftovers and tuna packs), dinner, and snacks (fruit, yogurt, cheese).
On a side note…who got a good view of the eclipse yesterday? I’m gonna be honest: I thought the whole push to buy eclipse glasses was a total marketing scheme, and I was convinced I could just take a quick peak at the eclipse through my regular sunglasses. NO! My eyes just got slightly near the eclipse for .00000000087696 seconds, and I was convince I had permenant retina damage. That might still be a possibility….
Have a great week everyone! To check out more no-oven meal plans, click here.
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