Hey, hey, hey. Can you believe it’s already March?? Like, wasn’t Christmas just here?? We’re still bundled up inside like a bunch of lazy bums, but I’m hoping for sunny skies and warmer days soon!
Here’s what’s going on in March!
Currently in March
Reading: Ok mamas. If you’re feeling the struggles of motherhood, are knee deep in tantrums, sleep deprivation, or you’re just not feeling the joys in being a mom right now…this
You can find it on Amazon, or you can read it in 11 different parts for free on the Bible app.
Listening: So I have NOT seen A Star is Born yet, and honestly…I didn’t really want to. Then Chase made me watch the scene on YouTube where Bradley Cooper and Lady Gaga are singing “Shallow“, which again
If you haven’t heard the song, I recommend watching the song scene on YouTube first. It’ll hook ya! And side note: how beautiful is Lady Gaga in this movie?!
Watching: Mhmm, guys. I need some TV show suggestions that I can binge. Right now we’re tearing through Parks and Rec, which is fine…..because it’s hilarious. Except this is our second time to binge it. I need new content! So drop your suggestions in the comments below. Mkay, thanks.
Obsessing: Ok, this might be a true obsession I have. I’m all about podcasts…true crime to be specific. And I found a new podcast that is probably my favorite of all time….Crime Junkies. Ahhhh, it’s so good! I’ve binged through about 30 episodes already. Eeek!
It’s different than most other true crime podcasts I’ve listened to because each episode is about a different murder, disappearance, conspiracy, etc. Unlike other true crime podcasts, like Serial, that unfold one story over the course of a whole season.
I’m so hooked, that I’m to the point where I’m begging my kids to go to sleep in the car (when I’m usually rolling down the window to keep them away…gotta nap at home. Sorry!) just so I can get a quick fix and listen to an episode on the way home. It’s bad
Planning: So we are moving into our house THIS WEEKEND!!! Ahhhhhh, finally!!! And I have
One of my first projects: farmhousing (yep, made it a verb) a thrifted dining table.
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