Happy Friday y’all! In this week’s short Friday Faves I’ll talk about 2 of my favorite baby/toddler items. In this growing market of kid “stuff”, it can be kind of overwhelming when you’re trying to buy something. There seems to be at least 50 varieties of each type of product….so how do you know which is the best one to get? Yumbox is my current favorite toddler lunch item (definitely not essential, but worth the buy), and the Cateep Diaper Backpack….which in my opinion, is a must-have.
1. Yumbox
Lincoln recently started going to Mother’s Day Out, and in the months/weeks leading up to it I was super excited to “school supply” shop for him. School supply shopping for an almost 2 year old meaning a nap mat, back pack, and lunch kit.
I wanted to make lunchtime as easy as possible for his sweet teachers, so instead of sending a bunch of different baggies and containers that needed to be opened, I opted for a bento box. There are tons of different bento boxes on Amazon, but I specifically wanted something that wouldn’t leak when it wasn’t laying flat. Leak-proof bento boxes must be a hot commodity, because this one cost me about $30. Ugh, usually way to pricey for me….but, I justified it as making his teacher’s lives a little easier. Since he only goes on Tuesdays and Thursdays, I can easily wash it in between school days, so I only purchased one.
Besides being leak-proof, I also love how the little compartments are labeled with the different food groups! So handy and helpful when I’m packing his lunch….plus, it keeps me accountable for sending at least a few nutritious things.
They come in a variety of colors and styles, and has actually been worth the $30. And I’m cheap, so that’s saying something.
2. Cateep Diaper Back pack
This one is a little random, but now that I’ve ditched the diaper bag and transitioned back into being an adult and carrying a purse, I wanted to include this in Friday Faves before I forgot about it completely.
First, you might be wondering about the brand. I can’t really answer that question. My backpack clearly has the “Cateep” logo on it (which is an actual brand), but when you search on Amazon you won’t find “Cateep” in the title…you’ll find Imyth or a few other weird names. From what I’ve gathered, those are the companies that sell the backpack, but it’s still a “Cateep” brand backpack.
I got asked about this backpack all the time, and I have to say: It is the best diaper bag (backpack) I’ve ever had! Ok, so I’ve only ever owned two…but this is the best one! Before having Lincoln, I already knew I wanted a backpack style diaper bag because I’m just not coordinated enough to carry a baby and a diaper bag and anything else I might have in my hands. I originally bought a diaper backpack from Target that was around $70. Long story short…not a good backpack. It started ripping after a few months and distributed the weight horribly…..resulting in back and shoulder pain.
I was in search of a new diaper backpack, and found this one on Amazon for $40. It had great reviews, so I put it on my wishlist and ended up getting it as a gift. Not only is this backpack way better quality than the one I got from Target, but it has plenty of compartments for storing all your baby essentials: bottles/cups, snacks, diapers….it even has a special side pocket for easy access to baby wipes. The best part is that it distributes weight really well. I would load this bad boy down with Linc’s (and my) things, and it wouldn’t break my back or dig into my shoulders.
Whenever I would see someone else with one of these backpacks, I would feel like I was in some sort of secret, awesome backpack club. Like “Heeeey….nice backpack.” [*wink, wink, nod, nod as I slyly turn and show them mine*.] Weird, I know. I’m still shocked that this diaper backpack is only $40 (actually it’s only $35.99 right now). And, after carrying it for almost a year, it still looks like it’s brand new! It may not be the cutest or the girliest, but I quickly learned that functionality beat out cuteness. It comes in a few different colors, but not a ton. If you’re not sold yet, just check out some of the reviews.
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