Tired of begging your kids to do their chores this summer? Make it a little more fun by letting them play Summer Chores BINGO with this 7 page FREE PRINTABLE!
One of my most cherished memories of summer days at home was how my mom always made chores so fun! I know…random, right?
Each day when my mom left for work, she’d leave a game that she created for me. And I had to complete the game to see what my chores for the day were. Sometimes it was a crossword puzzle, a word search, anagrams, hidden pictures…she took something that was hella boring and made it super FUN!
It’s all in the delivery y’all.
I truly looked forward to waking up, playing whatever game she had left me that day, and completing the chores that were found in that game.
It’s things like that that I loved as a child, but now that I’m a parent….I appreciate the HECK out of my mom and the EFFORT and TIME she took to turn something boring into something fun. Love you mom!
This really got me thinking of something I could create for you guys that would make those summer chores a little more fun, and a little less “ughhhhh”.
Summer Chores BINGO is a different delivery to those daily or weekly chores that hopefully will get your kids excited! Plus, you can truly make these printables work however you like for your family (more on that below).
What Do You Get With Your FREE Download?
- Two pre-filled Summer Chores BINGO gameboards for younger aged kids
- Two pre-filled Summer Chores BINGO gameboards for older aged kids.
- Two blank gameboards for both younger and older kids.
- A bonus page with tips and tricks to make Summer Chores BINGO a success!
How to Use Your Summer Chores BINGO Printables
So how exactly do you want to use these Summer Chores BINGO printables (and yes….I have full faith you know how BINGO works)? Here’s a few suggestions:
- Allowance. Use this game as a way for your kids to earn an allowance. You could do a daily allowance (after they complete a row and make BINGO) or even a weekly allowance (after they fill up the whole chart OR 5 days of BINGOs)
- Screen Time Ticket. Summer days are looooooong, so of course your kids are gonna wanna turn to TV, tablets, video games, and more. You can use this as a sort of “ticket to screen time”: no screen time that day until they’ve made a BINGO,
- Reward. If kids’ chores aren’t that big of a deal to you, but you just want to praise them for their efforts, then you can use this BINGO game as a reward. After they complete a BINGO they get a popsicle, an ice cream, a snow cone, and good Lord I know there are other things besides food…but food is where I’m at right now.
- Just Because. Maybe kids’ chores are important in your family, but you don’t necessarily believe in an allowance or reward for contributing to your household. If that’s the case, then this can be used as more of a checklist (still making BINGOs) of chores your children need to complete throughout the week.
Two Levels of Summer Chores BINGO
Since several family chores do need to be age appropriate, I’ve created 2 levels of summer chores: younger and older.
- YoungerEasier, more age-appropriate chores.
- Only 4 squares in a row to make a BINGO
- PLUS two pre-filled gameboards you can rotate
- OlderBetter suited for middle school age and up
- 5 squares to make a BINGO
- And two pre-filled gameboards you can rotate
The most important part of starting Summer Chores BINGO is making sure that these are chores that your kids have done before, or that you have thoroughly explained. Sending them on a mission to attempt a chore that they’ve never tried will likely end up in tears for ALL parties involved!
Which is what makes this next printable so awesome….!
Summer Chores BINGO-Blank Gameboards
You know your children best.
You know what is age appropriate for them, what you’re comfortable with them doing, and what is going to frustrate them.
That’s why I’ve included two BLANK Summer Chores BINGO gameboards (one for younger and older) for you to fill out with your own children in mind.
- Fill out a blank gameboard with your own chores specific to your family and home.
- Organize the chores on the blank gameboard the way you want them (gotta make sure they don’t find that one row of all the simple chores, right??)
- Fill with chores that you know are age appropriate for your child.
- Stuck with what to fill in? Use the pre-filled gameboards for ideas, and use Mom’s Choice, Dad’s Choice, or Free Space if you’re having trouble with coming up with ideas.
Grab Your Summer Chores BINGO FREE Printable Right Now!
Click here to grab your SEVEN pages of freebies!
I would absolutely love your feedback…whether that’s in the comments, an email, or social media! It’s what helps me figure out what content you want to see more of, or what was a bust for you. You can connect with my different social media channels by following the icons on your right. 😊 Thank you so much in advance!
Also, if you’re on Instagram, I’d love for you to tag @herhappyhome to show how you’re using Summer Chores BINGO in your family!
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