Before you have kids, I feel like people warn you all about the newborn stage. The lack of sleep, the crying, and eventually the teething (which is horrible btw). What people fail to mention is something just as horrific…. the impending days of potty training. By the time you realize that potty training isn’t as…
The Truth About Cloth Diapers: The Good, The Bad, and The Dirty
Your Cloth Diaper Questions, Answered! I never thought I’d be a cloth diaper mama. I didn’t really know much about cloth diapers before having kids, and I didn’t really care to. Because, real talk, it sounded gross. But then I became pregnant. And it wasn’t too long into my pregnancy that I knew I wanted…
5 Baby Essentials for Any Budget
If you’re a parent or mamma-to-be, chances are you’ve come to the realization that babies are expensive. Or rather, baby STUFF is expensive. There are so many baby products out there, how do you know what you’ll really need…especially if you’re watching your pennies. From a two time frugal mamma, here are the items I couldn’t live without. 5…
5 Truths About Life With 2
So, you’re getting ready for baby number two. Congratulations! Having multiple kids is such a blessing….because they entertain each other. Oh-and family outings are more fun, they look after each other as they get older, and all that other stuff. But I’m gonna give it to you straight: It ain’t gonna feel like a blessing…
“Baby Nurse” Gift Bags (for labor/delivery and postpartum nurses)
Want a quick and easy way to make a nurse’s day after giving birth? Today I wanted to share real quick a super easy and inexpensive gift I put together for the “baby nurses” that took care of us during and after Goldie’s birth. First off, I am forever indebted to labor & delivery nurses everywhere…