Want a quick and easy way to make a nurse’s day after giving birth?
Today I wanted to share real quick a super easy and inexpensive gift I put together for the “baby nurses” that took care of us during and after Goldie’s birth. First off, I am forever indebted to labor & delivery nurses everywhere after the birth of both of my kids. I’ve had the most amazing nurses and attest to this day that I wouldn’t have been able to follow through with my wishes of non-medicated births if it weren’t for their amazing support and encouragement.
And the postpartum nurses? Y’all…so amazing! Should you feel like you’re on a mini vacation right after giving birth? That’s seriously how I felt after having Goldie…the nurses took such good care of us! In fact, my midwife said we could go home the morning after my delivery, and I declined because I wanted to stay and be pampered another night!
I wanted to have a little something for the nurses to thank them for all their hard work and support, so I made these about a month before my due date. These little gift bags were a breeze to put together, and cost less than $3 per bag when it was all said and done.
What goes inside your nurse gift bags?
You can really fill your bags with anything, but I opted for food and drink items because…..well, yummy. I made 10 bags, which I thought was probably a little overkill, but we ended up giving all of them away. You see PLENTY of nurses when having a baby.
Here’s what I bought:
- 10 Starbucks Double Shot Espresso cans: $16
- 1 box of 10 individually wrapped Milano dark chocolate cookies: $5
- 3-3 packs (plus one individual found at the checkout) of Project 7 Birthday Cake gum: $8
Total cost: about $29*.
*All items were bought at my local grocery store, but are also available on Amazon.
Toss one of each item into some sort of baggie, and voila! I bought the clear bags at Dollar Tree along with the pink crinkle paper, if you want to get fancy. Since the supplies cost around $29 for all 10 bags, that puts each bag at under $3 a piece.
To snag the free printable to attach to your nurse gift bags, click here! 🙂
Free Printable!

For more easy “gratitude gifts” check out these pineapple mason jars and back to school teacher gifts.
Having been a postpartum nurse for 40 years, I am sure the “thanks was so appreciated”. I k loved my job until I retired and love moms and little ones. Thank you for taking the time to care